Company Name Generator

Use the generator below, to make the perfect name for your brand or business!

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How to create the perfect company name

What’s the first thing that people notice about your brand? It’s the name, of course! A catchy, relevant, and unique business name will get you remembered and it will ensure instant recognition. Choosing such a powerful name, however, is a complex science that only a few have mastered.

Your business name stands for so many things – your values, your beliefs, the benefits that clients could get from an interaction with your brand. What does it take to pack all of this information in a simple word or phrase?

Let us help you generate a business name that’s unique, distinctive, and perfectly representative of everything that you stand for. Our business name generator will give you dozens of creative ideas and suggestions you can easily tweak and modify to make your own.

What does your company stand for?

Get a sheet of paper and write adjectives pertaining to your business. What do you stand for? What do you want people to get out of an interaction with you? Even if these specific words aren’t entered in your company title, they can still give you a direction to pursue when choosing the right name.

Keep it Simple

Names that are too long, hard to spell, or pronounce are a big no-no. Remember the basic rule of journalism – KISS – keep it simple, stupid! Achieving originality in simplicity is the most difficult but rewarding task. This is why you should look for a straightforward word or phrase that represents your brand and is easy to remember.

Findout what the competition is doing

The next goal when choosing a business name is originality. You need a phrase that’s different from every other brand out there. If you stand out right off the bat, potential clients will definitely take an interest in you and what you have to offer. So, engage in some competition research to determine what names have become too common and trite in the industry.

Assess Catchiness

You can make a business name catchy in a couple of ways. Words that rhyme are an excellent example. The same applies to an industry-relevant pun (while this one may be difficult to conceptualize, it’s an absolute winner most of the time!). You want people to instantly remember your brand when they’re looking for such products and services.

Determine your personal happiness with the chosen name

A business name could tick all the boxes and still make you feel ambivalent. Make sure that you’re personally happy with the branding that you’ve chosen. After all, the name will represent your business and it should definitely make you feel proud and excited.

Don’t forget industry specifics!

The above-mentioned tips give you some general guidance on starting the business naming process. There is, however, one more essential to keep in mind. That’s industry relevance.

Naming a fashion store isn’t the same as naming an industrial manufacturing facility. Its niche has its target audience and terminology – two factors that will play a role in business name selection.

If you need a few pointers, here are some examples to show you how industry-specific business naming works:

Pet Store

Provoke an emotion that relates to a pet owner’s love for their four-legged pal

Financial Service Provider

The name should speak of competence and an ability to maximize a client’s assets

Beauty and cosmetics

Choose words that pertain to confidence, quality of ingredients, and an easy to achieve the outcome


Effectiveness and safety should be at the forefront of your naming efforts

Infrastructure and construction

Think about scalability, availability of essential equipment and know-how for the completion of challenging projects

Interior design

The focus should be on modernity and personalized outcomes that address the specific needs of clients

Hopefully, these examples give you a good enough idea about how industry-specific personalization works. Your name should carry the right vibe and the energy that corresponds to the needs of a target audience.

Making Sure Your Business Name Is Great for Online Branding

When choosing a business name, you have to think of another very important element – online branding. You’ll need to build a website, choose the right domain name and establish a memorable social media presence. All of these are dependent on a great, catchy, and memorable name.

A good business name for online use should also work to get your business found. Search engine optimization (SEO) allows your website to reach the top of search engine results. Hence, your business name needs to be very relevant to what you have to offer.

In addition, the name you choose should be linked to a domain that’s available for purchase. It’s very easy to carry out a bit of research and determine if a website exists that has a name similar to yours. If that’s the case, you’ll probably need to tweak the original concept for originality’s sake.

Distinguishing Yourself from the Competition: Easier Than You Think

By following all these pointers, you can make your business stand out. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been around for decades or you’re just getting started. The right name ensures immediate competitive edge.

Picking the right business name allows you to start building an attractive brand that will appeal to clients. All other branding elements are dependent on this first decision. This is why you should take enough time to brainstorm, narrow down the ideas and make them your own.

We can help you during the research and brainstorming part of the process. Give the business name generator a try and you’ll definitely be surprised by the relevance and cleverness it can ensure!